Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Beginning

“They’re here...” This two-word one-liner uttered by Carol Anne from Spielberg’s 1982 spook Poltergeist pretty much sums up the state of affairs of ‘our’ world. They are here and now and always have been and will be. By ‘they’, I mean the disembodied energies which have nowhere to go for energy cannot be destroyed. So they have chosen our world as their home. However, they have their own world too which is inside our world but we cannot see that world during our day to day lives. That is because their electrons and our electrons do not vibrate in the same frequency. So even as I write this piece sitting on my bed on a dark rainy afternoon, a couple of disembodied energies are actually peering over my shoulder, reading every word and smiling at my naiveté!

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